Medicare AEP 2025
In 2024, there were several notable changes to Medicare Health Insurance, perhaps none more important than lowering the out-of-pocket maximum to $2,000 for Prescription Drug Costs (Part D). Though a great help to consumers, many Medicare Advantage (Part C) Plans have had to adjust their benefits to balance out these changes. Many plans pulled back on their dental, vision, and/or hearing benefits. For Dual-Eligible individuals (on Medicare and Medicaid), many spending card allowances were reduced as well. With all these changes, plans that have worked well for consumers in the past may not be the right plan going forward. Though Open Enrollment ended on December 7th, any Medicare beneficiaries currently enrolled on an Advantage Plan are able to change their plan through the end of Annual Enrollment (Jan 1st - March 31st).
If you have not reviewed your Plan Annual Notice of Change (ANOC) from your Medicare provider, or if you have noticed changes on your plan that you are not happy about, we are here to help! Your options include switching to a different Medicare Advantage Plan that offers richer benefits, or switching back to Original Medicare with a separate Part D plan. In that case, it’s a good idea to purchase a Medicare Supplement Policy as well to cover the gaps that Original Medicare does not pay for. It’s important to not drop your current Medicare coverage until you are certain your new plan has been approved, so that you don’t end up without coverage. Schedule a free review with us to look at your current plan and compare that with other options available in your area. Enrolling into a policy with us is free for you, and we will stay on top of any future changes to plan premiums and/or benefits to ensure you are always on the right plan for your needs!